Current & Upcoming Exhibitions


Earth & Ocean Arts Festival

A fundraiser for local environmental non-profits, celebrating the intersection of art and ecology

September 20 - 22, 2024

Featured artists:

Dave & Boni Deal: raku-fired pottery with themes on NW flora and fauna

New artist, Ted Olson: landscape based abstractions

Stirling Gorsuch: linocuts and monotypes of local coastal scenery

Scott Johnson: atmospheric watercolors of ocean-scapes and tree-scapes

Brian Blackham: still life oil paintings of water and beach rocks

Debra Carnes: basketry made from washed ashore fishing rope

Lisa Sophia: Acrylic coastal paintings


Friday, September 20: New exhibition opening 4:00-6:00pm

Saturday, September 21: Watercolor demonstration with Scott C. Johnson 12:00 – 3:00

Festival Reception with Artists, 4:00 – 6:00

Exhibition continues through October 20th

Stirling Gorsuch


Stormy Weather Arts Festival

November 1 - 3, 2024

Mixed Media Group Show


Valerie Savarie: Altered Book Sculpture

Robin & John Gumaelius: Ceramic / metal sculpture

Dmitri Swain: Mixed media sculpture

Joy Jackson - cast glass & found wood sculpture

New Artist: Nina Alderete - collage paintings

Gallery Reception: Saturday November 2nd, 5:00 - 7:00

More events and artists TBA

Valerie Savarie

Previous Shows


Summer Salon

July 1 - August 31, 2o24

Introducing New Artist Jeni Lee: Atmospheric Landscape Painting


Hazel Glass Paper Cut Strata Artwork

Dave & Boni Deal: Raku-Fired Ceramic

Brooke Borcherding: Deconstructed Landscape & Cityscape Painting

Gloria Feinstein: Black & White Landscape Photography

Jeni Lee


Spring Unveiling

May 3 - 5, 2024

Featuring Christopher Mathie: New collection of seascapes and paintings focused on figuration, including humans, animals & birds as subjects. 

Gallery Schedule:

Spring Show Opens: 4:00- 6:00 pm

Saturday, May 4:

Jewelry Trunk Show with local Artist Sarah McAlister: 10:00am

Drawing Demo with Christopher Mathie: 12:00-1:00 pm

Unveiling Mathie's newest paintings: 1:00 pm

Live Music by Local Guitarist Wes Wahrmund: 2:00-4:00

Gallery Reception: 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Christopher Mathie


Deborah DeWit: Drawn by the Light, Moved by the Sky

March 23 - April 28, 2024

A new exhibition of oil paintings by Deborah DeWit

Meet the Artist: April 6th: 2:00 - 4:00pm

In tandem with this exhibition, Kim Stafford, Oregon Poet Laureate (2018-2020), created a new collection of poems inspired by DeWits paintings.

Deborah DeWit


Stormy Weather Arts Festival

November 3-5, 2023

Featured Artists:

Randall David Tipton - New exhibition of oil and water media paintings

Valerie Savarie - Altered Book Sculptures

Friday, November 3

New Show Opens: 4:00- 6:00 pm

Saturday, November 4

Book Carving Demo with Valerie Savarie: 10:00-12:30 pm
Water Media Demo with Randall David Tipton: 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Live Music by Local Guitarist Wes Wahrmund: 2:30-4:30, with Poetry by Juleen Johnson at 3:30

Gallery Reception: 5:00 - 7:00 pm

Sunday, November 5

Water Media Demo with Randall David Tipton: 11:30am

New Exhibition continues through December 24

Randall David Tipton


Autumn Exhibition

September 15 - October 30, 2023

Stirling Gorsuch: New Linocuts & Monoprints

Gallery Reception: September 16th, 4-6pm

Stirling Gorsuch's new body of work reflects his deep connection to the Pacific Northwest. The artist grew up on the North Coast of Oregon, a source of endless inspiration. In his compositions Gorsuch passionately translates the regional landscape into a vivid color experience through the dreamy textures of his monotypes and the intricate line-work of his linocuts. Stirling Gorsuch and his new linocuts and monotypes.

Stirling Gorsuch