Gorsuch, Stirling

About the artist
Printmaker, Stirling Gorsuch, is fascinated by how time shapes a landscape. Hiking trails through majestic forests, ocean waves crashing against rocks, beach bonfires and stars set against a dark sky. The linocuts, etchings, monotypes and print work hark back to the artist’s childhood in Cannon Beach.
“My favorite time of day is the hour before dawn and after sunset. These times can have such a vivid color experience, which I, certainly appreciate as a visual artist, but most of all, it is the stillness in the air that I am drawn to. During these fleeting moments, I feel connected with the environment around me, and everything in the world feels perfect for a time. This sensation of being in the right place at the right time informs my creative sensibility and is what I hope translates in a visual way through my work.”
Earth & Ocean | Autumn Exhibition 2024

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