Eichenberger, Steve

About the artist

I perceive my “inner artist” as a separate, mysterious entity with boundless energy that wanders mostly hidden in the recesses of my mind, and regards me as simply the “meat person” to carry out its wishes…which is fine by me.

Philosophically, I’m a big picture kind of guy. I find the parade of daily headlines—indeed the whole of human history—to be inconsequential compared to the wonder of existence itself. The atoms in our bodies were forged by unimaginable forces of heat and pressure in the cores of collapsing stars! Then, after billions more years of primordial trial and error those same atoms were woven into our DNA molecules, the custodians of instructions for the highly orchestrated assembly of the most complex thing in the known universe: the human brain. And we each get to have one! But even this amazing structure is superseded—by orders of magnitude—by the phenomenon of intelligent self awareness we experience within our minds. It’s a phenomenon that resists quantitative explanation, but I think it’s a perpetual illusion that sustains our perception of ourselves from cradle to grave.  Bottom line: Our imagination hosts our sense of who we are!

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Cramer, Tom


Winter, Helga