Schlegel, Robert (1947-2021)

About the artist
In memory 1947-2021:
Robert Schlegel’s intuitive painting style was representational of nature and a reflection of the northwest landscape. As a native Oregonian, Schlegel found inspiration in the coastal estuaries, valleys and farmlands of the northwest. Beginning in plein-aire with bold, innovative line work, Schlegel blended realism and abstraction. Through contrast, texture and color, Schlegel explored form and shape, where the natural world collides with objects that are man-made.
A graduate of Willamette University and Portland State University, Robert Schlegel's lifetime commitment to drawing, painting and sculpture led to numerous solo and group exhibits in California, Montana, Oregon and Washington. His work had been included in the Artists of Oregon juried group show at the Portland Art Museum, the John Natsalous Gallery in Davis California, Steven F. Austin University in Nacogdoches, Texas, KDR-Prographica in Seattle , Koplin Del Rio Gallery in Los Angeles and the Governor’s Office in Salem, Oregon.
Oregon Artbeat: Painter Robert Schlegel
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